This Dual clamp-on probe Exhaust Gas Temperature monitor allows you to keep track of cylinder temperatures as well as having room to expand to a second probe down the road. The weld-in version gives you a clean installation and the ability to mount bungs in each cylinder and move the probe around to each cylinder. This kit is also available with Single Clamp-on Probes as well as a Single Weld-on or Dual Weld-on configuration.
About The EGT Plus
The ability to monitor your exhaust gas temperature is one of the most cost effective ways to keep your engine tuned to a baseline. The ideal bracket racing situation is to have a baseline tune up where you know your RaceAir Pro will be predict perfectly. Each time you go to a new race or new day your run the RaceAir Pro tune-up program and it tells you what to change your jets to so you get back to that baseline where the RaceAir Pro predicts perfectly. This system works great but there is no way to ensure that you are absolutely back at that baseline unless you have a device to monitor how hot the cylinder is getting. That's where the EGT Plus allows you ensure that your tune-up prediction is at your baseline, therefore knowing that the ET Prediction will be accurate.
This dual channel EGT Monitor is designed to monitor not only exhaust gas, liquid, tire and track temperatures, but also engine RPM. The EGT Monitor has a built in memory feature so you don't have to worry about loosing your readings when the power turns off. Also allows you to change the number of cylinders from 4, to 6 to 8 and has a built in redline feature to help prevent noise spikes. Features 4 glove friendly buttons and the ability to run on either 9-V battery power or through your vehicle's power supply. The EGT Plus has three modes, 'Continuous', 'Record Switch' and 'Trans-Brake' modes built in.
Continuous is the easiest to use and offers a simple always recording always taking the maximum. Simply push the 'Reset' button before your run and hit the 'Telltale' button to read the maximums. Reset, Run, Read.
The Record Switch mode is designed for circle track racers to allow you to choose which section or lap you want to gather data on. It will offer you a simple maximum temperature and rpm based on the time the record switch was on.
The Transbrake mode is the most powerful of them all, and offers more information than any other stand alone Exhaust Gas Temperature Monitor in its class. Simply connect the transbrake wire to your EGT Plus and you can get launch temp & rpm, finish line temp & rpm, your maximum temp & rpm as well as how many seconds into the run you got that maximum. To take it one step further we allow you to set a 'Note At' point where you can record the temps & rpm at any point during the run.
Dual Clamp-on Probes
EGT Plus
Monitors Dual Temperature Channels
Monitors Engine RPM
Power Through 9V Battery or 12V Vehicle Supply
Continuous Mode
Record Switch Mode
- Choose When To Record
- Maximum Temp & RPM
Trans-Brake Mode
- Launch Temp & RPM
- Finish Line Temp & RPM
- Maximum Temp & RPM
- The Time Maximums Occurred
- Notable Time Temp & RPM